Monday, April 15, 2013

Kissing! What is it About This Prelude to a Kiss.

What is it about this attachment and hormonal engagement that causes such a stir when we kiss?  KPCC's 89.3 had a live talk that was repeated Sunday evening titled Pucker Up - there's more to kissing than romance.  The history is definitely interesting. Whether there is a theme of the human

souls merging or of the early history of the animal kingdom many of us have had many benefits from this physical and mental exchange.  Sheril Kirshenbaum's The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us gives accounts that help enlighten us.  Whether women have a desire for depth in the meaning and relationship with their partner or if men have a strict agenda targeted to a goal for sex.  A famous quote "A Kiss is a Man's Signature" rings true.  It truly brings us back to a brain function combined with a primal desire of intellectual and social communication linked with an intimacy between partners.  How many of us can remember our first intimate kiss?  The energy in the aire, the nervousness, the feeling of faint, or of losing time during that moment?  And when we think of kissing as science and evolution, well it makes us have a better understanding as to why we want to kiss again, and again.

 Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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