Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is Football (or other sports) necessary?

Ahhhh! America's Roots With Football and Other Sports.

 The significance of sports can be expressed by many Americans:
Football players wearing helmets on the field during a football game
“Football is the quintessential American sport, and for good reason.  It requires a combination of power and agility, brute strength, and grace.  But most of all it requires audacity and boldness.   In other words, it requires American characteristics in order to succeed.”
As a clinician I frequently recommend physical sports activities for young boys.  Sports help with
social interaction; bonding with peers and mentors; it helps set inter-personal and intra-personal goals; 

it helps the individual develop his intelligence (and yes! Sports and physical agility is a legitimate intelligence);  and seriously, all joking aside … – it keeps him occupied and out of trouble.  For the child that is struggling (whether through ADD/ADHD; or any list of mental disorders, or life stressors/divorce, sports provides a gateway for focus, structure and opportunities).  For boys it is a preparation for their right-of-passage especially during the absence or a disconnect of the father. 

So, let’s take a quiz about the NFL draft. Yeah, Yeah this is not an I.Q. or 
clinical test. But it might be a great block of information to have for the office cooler conversation:  What are the 13 biggest questions of the 2013 NFL draft and their answers respectively? The entrance into NFL for many of our youth is the collection of some previous blogs discussion: Gladwell's 10,000 hours of time to achieve greatness; and former Seattle Sonics Robert Swift. With that being said, as a community let's embrace the meaning and possible necessity of football by spiritually supporting these upcoming Top 25 NFL draft picks

1 comment:

  1. Playing sport is really healthy. To me, I like doing gym :)) . Besides I use testofuel product to increase my testosterone
