Monday, July 30, 2018

The Random and Unconditional Kindness of Strangers

Mass shootings are continuing.  Our politicians and government officials are at conflict with one another.  People are continually coming forward with stories of horrific alleged and documented assaults.  Homelessness is at an all time high. Student debt. Adult debt. Increased aging producing increased poverty, Alzheimer’s. Global warming. Personally, I had minimal reaction when my Aunt text’d me from another state that the Trader Joe’s...

Friday, July 13, 2018


Miracles and Mental Health and Positive vs. Negative News

On Monday July 9, 2018, the Thailand Tham Luang Cave Rescue was the leading first story on news feeds.  As we now know, this international rescue mission consisted of a 12 member junior football team ranging between 11 to 17 years of age; additionally, their 25-year-old assistant coach was among the rescued.  The team members entered the cave on June 23, 2018. Due to heavy rains flooding the cave they were forced to move deeper into the cave. At one point the locals were relying on the Rain Gods...

Monday, July 9, 2018

Not Getting Divorced Might Cost You!

Graffiti on an old brick wall reads “until debt tear us apart”
For those of you who have financial security divorce can be complicated.  Navigating through life’s changes also becomes a mental health concern when the stressors of long term financial planning is involved. However, one’s financial ease and having control of finances allows for opportunities with increased happiness. I just heard an NPR podcast discussing Why Divorce Lawyers Are Advising Their Clients To Finalize Agreements Before 2019. Although my role as a therapist in Los Angeles is not to...

Friday, July 6, 2018

Predicting Divorce - who can read the crystal ball?

I have revisited this article 7 Things Science Says Predict Divorce.  Whether you are in a solid healthy relationship or you suspect trouble in paradise it might be a good idea to just check in with your partner for an evaluation regarding your relationship.  If you set up a good dialogue you might learn that you have the power to enhance your happiness while making your partner’s life easier. The data supports the high divorce rates in the United States.  With understanding divorce predictors there might be ways to combat and manage a healthy marriage. Moreover, if divorce is inevitable the real question is what type of relationship do you wish to have with your partner after the end of the union.  Many people have wonderful friendships after they divorce. Other ex’s create a FWB relationship. While some vow never...