Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Honored

The Fallen's Holiday and the Ease it Comforts and Provides.

Is it possible that we forget the meaning of the Memorial Day holiday?  Despite abortion and non-abortion rights, despite "taking a knee," despite political elections and party divides; despite gun control, despite countless other significant impacting events and issues that affect our local and national well being; this day has power and meaning.  This power centers at ...
the collective unconscious of the American Psyche.  To honor this day and to understand it is to manage a repression that could erupt in dark sinister ways.

The beauty and bittersweet of Memorial Day is that many men and women (known and unknown) have given United States citizens and people who live and visit this country an ease that we will never know.  And granted the fruits of this ease might at times be dark and cryptic, but the fruits have been plentiful.  Sadly, there might be the ease that we do know and take for granted.  Regardless, this privilege that we have as Americans of the United States should be honored, recognized and valued.  To be in a country that in principle allows you to talk publicly against a President, or a powerful billionaire at a fortune 500 is a luxury that many countries do not have.  To denounce a religion or a community belief and not be persecuted gives discussion into America's psychic respect for the individual and that individual's quest for being their ultimate true Self. 

Various currency bills pinned to a large world map with colorful pins in various locations
Furthering this discussion, many therapists and marriage counselors are a part of this ease.  In many countries and communities across the globe analyst or therapist would not be able to provide unconditional mindful neutral support to an individual who is advocating or searching for answers that might not be of the norm.  Thoughts or acts of abortion, sexual and gender identity, ill will toward others, choosing a profession outside the family's demands, choosing not to marry, or to marry whom you choose, or to choose to have children after 40, or to have a substance abuse challenges, or to fight for union and collective bargaining,  or to divorce, or to play music; all of these and countless other acts, could be grounds for criminal persecution.  As we know, these mentioned acts are a highly inconclusive short list of people's challenges across the world. Yet, many of these life stressors do not apply to the United States citizen.  Granted, this is not about minimizing racism, unemployment (and underemployment), social inequality, poverty, unfair education, and countless other unjusts that affect our country.

A dreamcatcher with the bright sunny sky in the background in Arizona.It is about recognizing, for a moment, that there are people that we will never have the opportunity to personally thank for providing and ease that is so massive that we as individuals can reach greatness and pursue our true Selves.  And with that power Memorial Day is a vehicle for allowing these individuals to form a union of united people within the United States that could generate greatness -- provided we Unite.

Photo by Thomas Fields on Unsplash
Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash
Photo by Jaime Handley on Unsplash

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