Saturday, May 12, 2018

Are Elephants in the Room Affecting Your Life - Kids, You and the Phone!

On an earlier blog (April 27) we addressed children's sleep schedule affecting your marriage. As previously stated, there is an elephant in the room which I have often noticed but is seldom discussed during therapy - Children. Over the course of the past several weeks the discussion in effective ways to raise happier children; which means cultivating a happier marriage during the childbearing years, is important as it relates to not just to your well being and successful marriage. The managing of or creation of happy children is vital in...
one's life success. This success is a part of your significant relationships to your current partner or spouse, and future children. These 5 parental points of parenting are worth ongoing periodic review. At this writing, we are identifying the theme of locking up your phone.

Black and white shot of four payphones on dark tiled wall
There are three articles worth reading in relationship to your phone (devices) and children. The first is the overuse of phones causes your child to feel unloved and unimportant. The second is how device overuse distresses children while reducing their resilience. Lastly, it might be hard to accept this: It is not your child that is the problem; it is YOU. The question is if you are creating behavioral problems directly due to your actions of device misuse. Understanding Technoference behavioral problems are most possibly a result of your overuse, or addiction, of smart phone devices.

Man with a beard, tattoo and black shirt holds a laughing girl in a field in the sunSo, this week the information is direct and short. Focus on quality time with our children (and your significant loved ones) which is not including your devices. This is not an easy task when you phone or devices are a direct link to your children's well being. The phone is access to client's and closing a deal. That deal is providing your child with anything from food to private school tuition to recreational activities. The phone has become a part of our lives and livelihood. However, despite the necessity and value it is costing a connection. You might need to learn to manage and set priorities. Otherwise, there is a cost.

Photo by Bas de Korte on Unsplash
Photo by Eduardo Sánchez on Unsplash

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