Friday, December 22, 2017

The Athlete's Mt. Olympus is Mt. Everest

The Heavens Might Not be Meant for Mortals.  And Hero's Can Go Crazy if Not Honoring the Gods! 

Please see previous blog on Climbing Mt. Everest as a Goal:  How interesting that the spirit
and the Psyche had magical moments and us mortals have connections to the divine!

New discussions about Mt. Everest indicate an altered state.  Interesting in that there has been little discussion about the spiritual realm and the connection with mental health psychosis and spirit and Other higher powered alternates.  As a psychologist in Los Angeles I work with symbolic meanings and archetypal themes as they relate to the social constructs of global, contemporary, communal and individual Self (inter and intra) relations.
Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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