Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy Universal Holiday Season!

There is just so much to do on Christmas day.  Opening presents, driving to families, preparing dinner.  Quality time is difficult to muster.

To change the pace go back in time with NPR Christmas Stories. Or Old Time Radio Christmas.
Back in the day when radio was the primary form of entertainment it allowed the family to congregate and LISTEN.

Maybe this holiday season start your family tradition.  If you can create your own traditions  great.  If you struggle in developing your own original holiday event go to the old days of radio and make family time.

Use your imagination and creativity to embrace the holiday season.  As a therapist in Los Angeles working with individuals, families and couples I have witnessed positives changes in families that invest in quality time.  Moreover, creating traditions that are unique within the family often strengthen bonds within the relationship.

Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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