Monday, July 22, 2013

Wait... So a little Krazy can be a good thing?!

Schizophrenia; Psychosis; Dissociative (multiple personalities) - All have the magic and riches to shift the world as we know it. 

Identity Disorder, Schizophrenia, WomanHow frequently have we associated mental illness as a negative in our American culture? NPR's Ted Radio Hour's The Unquiet Mind helps bring the discussion to the table with such provocative discussion ranging from (but not limited to) Jon Ronson's quote of "Being not normal is the new normal;" to the discussion of the narcissistic injury of having a mental illness.

I would welcome a challenge
to create a greater awareness of the psychotic mind so that more discussions
Surreal Dream Face Woman Dreams Wishes Ficcan result.  These discussions might lead to great cultural art; innovative thinking; futuristic ideology; and a fresh look at a raw connection to Hades.   Also, what is too often not discussed in our culture are the fruits of the psychotic mind. The haunting reality of entering Hades' domain only to reap the benefits of the true psyche.  Persephone, Psyche, and a few chosen heroes such as Orpheus, Hercules were able to enrich mankind as a result of the travels to the depths of the Underworld.

Street art mural of attractive blonde haired woman with red nails and lipstick with shattered faceI'd encourage you to visit the discussion of Schizophrenia as it relates to the Psyche and its spiritual connection to the Self.   If you wish to quiz yourself:  Who stated "Don't take my devils away because my angles might leave too?" 

Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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