Friday, December 14, 2018

Merry Stressmas and Stress to the World!

Getting Through the Holidays Yet Again.  Will This Year Be a Piece of Cake; or Fruitcake?

I was asked in a store yesterday if I was “ready for the holidays?” With candor I said “no, ugh, not even close.”  The woman at the register seemed so happy as she replied “Neither am I.” She was relieved in a misery-loves-company-type-fashion.  My being ill prepared seemed comforting. You could see the stress on her face.

In my December 12, 2018 blog concerning holiday stress it is no secret that the holidays can cause stress for many people. Reviewing the 2015 Healthline survey that measured holiday stress shows that overall the majority of respondents were stressed. Gen Xers reported feeling stressed (65 percent) with Baby Boomers (62 percent) and Millennials (61 percent). So, stress affects all of us this time of year.

So, is managing the holidays with a happy outcome possible? I think this article from last year is still worth reviewing about managing holidays and creating memories during the holiday season.  Although there are specific items in the article that ...
I don’t endorse and others that seem sophomoric the idea of planning and creating memories are usable.  Also, the idea of a worksheet and an outline work well (so, for example, if you are not a mass/synagogue attendee you could use that time slot to bake, or build a snowman or volunteer at a shelter?).  With the managing of budgets and over spending of gifts, food or trips it might be expected that you unintentionally (or intentionally) snap at the people around you.  
four kids doing jump shot inside bedroom while wearing pajamas

For some industries stress in the workplace only increases in December (retail department stores; mail order departments; warehouse services; or postal/carrier services); or December slows down dramatically leading to other stressors.  How do you manage children as they are out of school ALL day? Is this a noticeable financial concern or a time management issue (Do you deal with ongoing ME ME ME energy of children; or do you call in the troops -- grandma or relatives -- to help out; or do you do a road trip only to pray your kid’s get tired at the end of the day)?

person holding green pine plant with snowWith so many complexities ranging from finances, to emotions to historical family issues to rituals it is no wonder that we can neglect to enjoy the holidays.  How can we enjoy anything when we are stressed out? As a therapist in Los Angeles focusing on strengthening marriage communication through couples counseling in LA, I recommend reviewing this article of 10 tips for keeping your marriage strong during the Holiday.

Photo by Pranav Prashar on Unsplash
Photo by Michael Nunes on Unsplash
Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

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1 comment:

  1. Stress can hurt you and can affect your relationship with others. Here many Causes Of Chronic Stress is available.
