Monday, January 29, 2018

Understanding Millennials & Decision Paralysis as it Relates 2 Dating & Generation Gaps

It is becoming more evident that as the Baby Boomer and Generation X populations outlive their predecessors neurodegenerative diseases (Dementia, and Alzheimers) are becoming more prevalent.  The research presents that bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles have an effect on the brain.  After reading Kevin Loria’s Business Insider’s article The scariest thing about bad sleep could be what it means for your brain one recognizes not only that Alzheimer’s symptomologies are present 20 years before

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

So Your Spouse is in Recovery from Addiction?

For Better or for Worse:  It’s not just for the golden years or an unexpected death.  What about the unexpected?  Addiction.  

So often the middle area is forgotten.  It is a purgatory lived on Earth.  In this discussion we are not talking about divorce or the end of a relationship.  We are talking about love or commitment or being placed in an unfair situation while in a commitment.  To love someone as an addict is

Monday, January 15, 2018

Martin Luther King, Jr - 88 powerful quotes that can enhance your life!

Non-Violence Peace Transformation Leadersh
       As this National holiday is celebrated throughout the country it might be worth remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. locally in the Los Angeles Area.  Here are seven ideas celebrating MLK's holiday for the greater LA Area. "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"  Although Dr. King stated this some 60 years ago, it still resonates to the pulse of the country today.  It is evident that the

Friday, January 12, 2018


Spring Out of It or Embrace It?

Most of us have some feelings about the holidays. For many in the harder winter regions of the country this is a difficult time if faced with depression and the

Monday, January 8, 2018

Bridging the Gap - The Generation Gap Between Boomers and Millennials.

There seems to be a divide between the generation gaps.  There also has been and there always will be this difference between the spring and summer, or could we say fall of the ages.  With this divide

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Politics and Mental Health -- The 45th, It's Been 12 Months!

I find this last year’s Los Angeles Times article Why Therapists are Having Such a Hard Time Talking About Trump still an interesting read.  Although I don't agree with the sharing of supporting (or not supporting) Trump in the clinical setting based on my analytical /psychodynamic training I think