Friday, June 9, 2017

12 Secrets -- Life

Let's keep this simple.  We all want to have life go the way we want it.  Despite our wants things just do not go as planned.  Whether in family, education, career, love (Ugh!  Who was the comedian who gave the story of the wife who was stuck with the husband realizing the husband was not her first choice and sees her husband every day  -- Chris Rock) it never goes perfectly.

All to say,  here is a list of 12 Life Secrets from People who have Lived the Longest.  There are things you can do to embrace your life. Surprisingly, some of these things you are doing without effort.  What can you do to have a better life? I find that the twelfth life secret is perhaps the most underdiscussed. But more than longevity - quality and meaning!

Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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