Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day?

For some of us certain holidays are joyful, and for others the same day can be vexing or complex.  For this Father's Day I ran across this article Father's Day Stories on the Huffington Post.  It is a very light read.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Is Your Therapist Working for You?

The Analyst/Analysand or Therapist/Client Relationship is not Always so Easy.
Bdsm, Gaged, Bondage, Woman, Redhead
The connection is everything when working with a therapist. The therapist should not be your best friend but the relationship is the most important part of the process.   I liked this article When Therapy for Depression Isn’t Helping You.  In fact, you can use its message for therapy in general, not just depression. If you have time to read the article I would take note on the following:

One topic discusses not liking your therapist.  Not a good experience if your therapy is difficulty.  However, if you have a good therapist and if you can discuss this discomfort the unease could be important to treatment.  If you have had

Friday, June 9, 2017

12 Secrets -- Life

Let's keep this simple.  We all want to have life go the way we want it.  Despite our wants things just do not go as planned.  Whether in family, education, career, love (Ugh!  Who was the comedian who gave the story of the wife who was stuck with the husband realizing the husband was not her first choice and sees her husband every day  -- Chris Rock) it never goes perfectly.