Sunday, April 27, 2014

So Simple and So True! Money and Sex Might Not Be the End All...

Fashionable women leaning on each other pose by a staircaseLet's keep it brief today!

As you are thinking about entering into a relationship what requirements are needed?

If you are thinking about what you can do to improve or support your
current relationship what would you implement?  Simple and to the point:  If you are looking for long term there might be indicators or predictors to facilitate your decision making. 

So if you want quick clues it seems that optimism and cuddling seem to work. It would not hurt to start looking for weekly check-ins to see what is working!  Why not create your own secret for happy coupling?  Create your own universe if you are in a relationship.

You might want to follow the below information I just found from UofM student, E. Kim's study from the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.

A hip man and a woman with their faces leaning together and eyes closedYou might also want to peek at this 10 secrets of a happy marriage link as a check in with your relationships.  As well as how to have a healthy relationship

Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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