Monday, July 22, 2013

Wait... So a little Krazy can be a good thing?!

Schizophrenia; Psychosis; Dissociative (multiple personalities) - All have the magic and riches to shift the world as we know it. 

Identity Disorder, Schizophrenia, WomanHow frequently have we associated mental illness as a negative in our American culture? NPR's Ted Radio Hour's The Unquiet Mind helps bring the discussion to the table with such provocative discussion ranging from (but not limited to) Jon Ronson's quote of "Being not normal is the new normal;" to the discussion of the narcissistic injury of having a mental illness.

I would welcome a challenge

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July! Fireworks - Barbeques - and Apple Pie!

Celebrate but be safe!   

Don't Drink and Drive.  That is a no brainer - get one person to be the non drinking driver!  

Beautiful fireworks against dark clouds above a city
Don't use fireworks illegally and without supervision. As a young kid of about 10 my 2 older cousins and brother figures used to sneak across the border and buy fireworks.  They would let me play with them and looking back on this I used to scare my cousin to death because I would hold on to the fire cracker as long as I could
before releasing it into the air - It is amazing
that I still have my eyes and ears! 

Now that the rules are out of the way I wish to reflect on