Monday, June 17, 2013

Extroverts and Introverts and Brain Functioning - Does the Introvert Have to Work Harder to Prove Themself?

A recent article on Introverts/Extroverts sheds light on the topic.

Man wearing gray suit leans face-first against gray wall with artI am constantly surprised that our culture is frequently unaware of its bias toward extraversion.  Charismatic outspoken leaders  that can easily engage us in public speaking are perceived as positive.  Often, the recluse who observes from the side is often forgotten or discarded and at times under-recognized.  For years, the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) has done wonderful research and given insight into the world of personalities.  I was able to briefly discuss this in my past life...
That past life being the stage of my research during my dissertation:

CAPT is the location of the Isabel Myers Brigg Memorial Library in Gainesville, Florida, with duties including collecting and research of data to further understand psychological typology and publishing information using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. 
CAPT’s mission is to extend and teach the accurate understanding of the ethical and practical applications of C. G. Jung's theory of psychological types, which shows how our differences in experiencing events and making decisions can be valuable rather than divisive, and can be used constructively . . . to promote personal development . . . to manage conflict and . . . to increase human understanding worldwide. (CAPT, 2008, para. 1)

Personality types is a typology concept developed from psychological variations which were introduced by Carl Jung. The concept is that people are born with one of two attitudes—extroversion or introversion; two perceiving functions—sensing and intuition; and two judging functions—feeling and thinking (CAPT, 2008). 

Read more about Dr. Strayhorn's practice and philosophy...

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