Monday, August 21, 2017

Death of a Social Trail Blazing Comic; Death of a Nutty Comic and the Demise of the Kennedy Center Honors

Hall Of Nations Kennedy Center WashingtonThe recent deaths of two powerful comic icons, and the political statement from artists associated with the Kennedy Center Honors have challenged us as a society to consider how art intersects with politics. Media reflects how we as a society are grappling with how much right do artists have to affect political discourse. Is art inappropriately coercing its way into politics? Can these large scale events affect our mental health or involvement with romantic relationships, the professional workplace or social and community interactions?

The death of an icon can affect us in ways we do not expect? How poetic, at this time in our

Friday, August 11, 2017

Continuing the Battle of the Sexes and Communication.

I wanted to continue from last week's, August 7, 2017, blog Communication is a Skill - Especially in Relationships.  

The concern is not just an issue of effective communication in traditional relationships but the dynamics of context (not content) in sharing language and information to partners, family, friends and coworkers.  

So the Secret in Male and Female Communication truly falls in the

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Glen Campbell and His Miraculous and Elegant Contribution Transcending from Music to Alzheimer's to the Ancestors

[Please review previous post (Monday May 11, 2015): An ICONIC Glen Campbell puts a new face to Alzheimers.]

NPR has a way of stopping me from what I am doing.  Usually it is when I am driving.  It can be a thrilling informative moment; a moment of overwhelming love type goodness; or, it can be chilling.  I was driving today and was stunted:  I had followed Mr. Campbell

Monday, August 7, 2017

Communication is a skill - Especially in relationships!

When You become exhasperated with your partner remember; it's Science, it isn't their fault!

A transparent skull model in a corridor
How does gender affect the way we communicate? In Carolyn Gregoire’s article Men and Women Literally See Things Differently, she introduces some interesting statistics. It is not clear if she attributes

Film Review: Kathryn Bigelow's Social Plight of Civic Unrest - 50 Years Ago

The Psyche of the Collective Unconscious is Still Haunting America's Social Culture from Generations Past.

Detroit Graffiti Joe Louis Building Michig
I am still trying to identify if The New Yorker’s film critic Richard Brody had favor or dismissed distaste for Kathryn Bigelow’s latest project Detroit.  Just by TNY’s very title “The Immortal Artistry of Kathryn Bigelow’s ‘Detroit’” it unknowingly (or knowingly) recognizes her as an in-charge artistic visionary of her work.  

Ms. Bigelow is consistent in her grit and is focused with her left hemispheric attack in her films.  This seemed to be validated in her Q & A (question and answer) segment last Saturday night August 5, 2017, at The Pickford Center for Motion Picture Study.  

If you like Ms. Bigelow’s previous cinematic offerings you will not be disappointed.  This film transitions historical documentary