Monday, November 21, 2016

Loving vs. Virginia - a love story?

Or a Divine Message From the gods Revisited to Stir an Unease in the Psyche of the 2016 America?

An engaged couple holds hands against a wooden railing in black and whiteIn 1958 Mr. and Mrs. Loving (how appropriate) experienced an opportunistic emergence which ultimately produced Loving vs. Virginia. Some 60 years later the idea of an interracial marriage is not only acceptable, it is relatively common in many areas in the United States. What we had with the Lovings was a political and social vexing that led to a change in life, and relationships, as we know it.

The Lovings were a symbolic Psyche, a mythos.  With Aphrodite representing Virginia, the legal system and ultimately the United States Supreme court; Psyche as, of course, Mildred (also, Richard and Mildred, as a unit, at times worked as the symbolic of Psyche); and, Cupid (Eros, depending on how Depth/Jungian you wish to go) as the Loving relationship itself, and the Loving’s love.  For further analysis of this chronicle of Psyche’s relationship to transforming into her full being or immortality Erich Neumann has a provocative insight in his Amore and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine (Neumann, 1956).  

As mythology and Neumann presents Psyche’s innocence,

Monday, November 14, 2016

Nocturnal Animals - No Reflection of the Rust Belt States?

Is Art and culture and Los Angeles and New York the Center of the Universe and are other struggles of the world insignificant?  

---And must we imagine and slight our way to the unreal to grasp emotional and gripping struggles?  Or is there struggle in any setting.

As we move forward from the elections some of us will have a slow process with the outcome. Others might move back to normal at a faster pace.  For the ones that are perplexed or possibly struggling, it might be worth engaging in your traditional social and leisure activities by asking if these past few weeks' experiences superimpose into the elections and politics of today.  If so, you can use the upcoming weeks as a processing type intervention to work through your general life and your political social experience.

I suspect that we do not consciously break down our social and leisure activities. What are the activities that you neglect?  

If film or theatre represent an activity that you frequent, I would recommend Tom Ford's recent outing Nocturnal Animals for two reasons.  One reason is one scene which is unnervingly political.  The second reason is that it is a must see film.

Ford has a scene in the film that could not be more apropos into the social unease of this era in the United States cultural psyche.  This scene so timely coincides with last week's Don Lemon's Tonight with CNN.  Lemons had an illuminational discussion about the forgotten in the rust belt states psychically conflicting with many who live in major metropolitan cities who have cocooned themselves in the center of the universe.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Presidential Election Stress -- Is over, or not....

Political and Election Associated Stress is Real:  So My Clinical Advice?

Elephant, Donkey, Ass, Logo

BREATH; As this has been a challenging election process. Focus on what you can do to make a situation (whether good or bad) better!

Secretary Clinton’s concession speech today resonated with her seasoned political acknowledgement of the importance of her lover for country by “Building an America that is hopeful inclusive and big hearted.”  It might benefit to listen to her message to her supporters regarding the next president in that the country should keep an “Open mind and a chance to lead…”