Monday, May 11, 2015

An ICONIC Glen Campbell puts a new face to Alzheimers

I'm Not Gonna Miss You

Random:  Or not.  I was walking out of the West Hollywood library today and noticed that the City of West Hollywood is celebrating Senior Month with a Senior Health Fair on May 19, 2015.

As luck would have it, the city was showing I'll Be Me tonight and I was fortunate to get in despite a full reservation.  I had been wanting to see this documentary film for a long time but never got a chance.  I think many of us are becoming directly or indirectly affected by Dementia or Alzheimer's.  And the timing for me to see the film was; well, personally, timely.  Usually, this is where I give some statistics from CDC and information on Baby Boomers driving the research because people are living longer.  But I watched this documentary about this ICONIC country music legend who had the powerful Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, President Clinton, and music superstars talking about his significance in a documentary?