Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good Bye 2013 and Hello 2014

New, Year, Gold, Reflection, CelebrateAs we wrap up the past 12 months there are so many topics that could be addressed on New Year's Eve.   Such topic could range from the most beautiful images of 2013; top political stories of 2013; most talked about non-traditional teen love stories of 2013; to the Bat Kid (how can you not get teary eyed over that one?) of 2013. 

I wanted to choose a few topics that might warrant discussion at year end.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Farewell: Greatness is in Mankind

South Africa Cape Town Monument Nelson ManLast week South Africa bid farewell to President Nelson Mandela. I was not sure if mentioning Mandela's funeral or his global meaning here in this platform had any merit because the event was well publicized.  I just did not  know what I could say to continue a healthy discussion.  But this is the discussion.  Is the inmate