Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween. Wait! - Candy is Food?? So Candy Corns and Halloween Candy Gives You Vitamins?

As our sugar crazed kids go out to support the $2 Billion dollar generated-in-one-week-Halloween-industry it might be a good time to explore Halloween and its origins.  For starters, the historical significance of Halloween’s marriage to candy has only recently surfaced since the 1970’s.  For decades Christmas and Easter dominated the candy industry’s traditional events.  

Prior to this early exploitation and commercialism of

Monday, October 28, 2013

If it is true, would it change the world as we know it?

World, Earth, Space, Hands, GlobeAnd if it is true, would our government botch it up and destroy us all because of bipartisanship?  I frankly am on the fence on this one. Aliens?  What is the government’s protocol about Extraterrestrials Are they coming or are we going or are they already here or a combination thereof?  With the film Gravity by now earning $200 Million at the box office it seems that the idea of Star Trek, relating to space and space travel is becoming more of a reality than just pure fiction.