Monday, May 27, 2013

Laughter Is Healing!

Happy Holiday Weekend: Make sure to laugh and find humor throughout the week!

Quito, May 22nd, (Andes) – “Humor has a therapeutic effect; not only does it feed the spirit, soul, and mind, but also the body through the immunity it generates. Happiness and good humor are poetry that surges from a spirit without hate,” says Lenin Moreno, the highest ranking paraplegic within the Americas.   

I didn’t know much about Vice President Moreno untilI heard him in an interview on

Monday, May 6, 2013

The New Revised DSM V - fresh off the press!

Ever Changing... The Mental Health World Will See the  DSM V Hits the Shelves May 22, 1913.
Analysts, Clinicians, Psychologist, Therapist, and Mental Health Professionals will be over joyed or in anguish over the new changes of the diagnostic DSM IV  anguish.  Many of us rely on the DSM IV to have an accurate assessment of clients.  The analyst in private practice might not be so hands on with the day-to-day usage of the DSM; however, many clinicians that are governed by county and state agencies and insurance panels rely on the "clinical bible."  So what does this mean to the consumer?